Fall is my favorite time of year. Even back in Texas the weather is changing a little. It is no longer 100 plus degrees, you can change your wardrobe, and decorating for the season is just as easy as going to your local Hobby Lobby and buying whatever is 50% off that week. Well, here in Ecuador, living on the equator, the season NEVER changes. Sure there are rainier days, days a little cooler, days a little hotter, but basically we have late spring/early summer all year long. Now, don't get me wrong, during Summer time in Texas, i love the weather here- only because it isn't 100 degrees, but come fall- i get very misty-eyed for some small change in something. So, onto decorating the house- --- - I have had to be very creative with this one, because trying to explain fall to an Ecuadorian is hard enough, but trying to explain fall decorations is even harder. My good friend thinks I just have Christmas early with strange colors. Thanks to crafty bloggers out there, I was able to make some great pumpkins to go along with the few orange-y things I was able to get last year on our trip to the capital to get our drivers license. One store had Orange Christmas decorations--- It worked for me.

So on with the Pumpkin parade:
The first up is inspired by:
Make Mine Lime. I didn't have any brads big enough to hold all of the strips of paper, so I just put jute twine through the holes and tied a knot. The twine also worked well as the curly vein on-top the pumpkin. I also didn't put one inside the other, because lets face it my attention span isn't that long. I also used small circle stand to get them to stand up straight, but they are also cute rolling around.
Next, book lovers beware: I did use 3 books that will never again be the same. This idea came from
Primp. This was SO EASY! I jusst found 3 old books about the same size, removed the hard covers, traced out the pumpkin design and started cutting a few pages at a time. After they were all cut, I simply glued the books together, stuck a stick in the middle and there was the cutest pumpkin!
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