Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Maybe Paper Flowers are a Better Choice for Your Valentine

So, if Purses aren't your thing or if you are looking for a more affordable gift for teachers or friends then a set of Thank You Cards is always appreciated and useful.  All of the sets in this post are $10 or under and if you contact me, either through this post or through the Etsy store I will send you a code for free shipping-  even a sweeter valentine.

The card set above is tri-fold and self sealing so you don't have to worry about an envelope.

These Roses will be very appreciated- and have matching hand-made envelopes.

This set of flowered Thank You cards is sure to please with embossed glittery flowers.  

 The last set of cards for today is a beautiful lavender and green combo that has 3 layers of embossing along with hand-made envelopes.

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