Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Free Shipping On All Orders

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving!
In honor of Thanksgiving we would like to offer FREE SHIPPING for the next week on all orders over $10 and since nothing in the store is under $10, that means FREE SHIPPING on everything.

Just enter coupon code  THANKS14FREESHIPPING   (I know.... it is a super long coupon code, but I'm learning), also it is for domestic shipping only.  For my friends in Ecuador, if there is something listed you would like to purchase I can bring it back with me next week.

Plus, with your purchase you will receive a coupon code for 15% off your next purchase (you always need to be thinking ahead).  So, get started early on your Christmas and Black Friday shopping and visit us at  Creative By Necessity .

Check back later this week for new items to be listed.....

Friday, November 21, 2014


We are excited to announce that we have finally been brave enough to open up an ETSY Store!!  Below are just a few of the items listed so far with many more to come-----just in time for Christmas

Sister/Mom/Best Friend Gifts

Teacher/Neighbor Gifts
Stocking Stuffers